Can You Feel It? Media for ALL the Senses.

Do you have a prized possession to show off an achievement? Whether it be a graduation diploma, a trophy for dominating the third grade spelling bee, celebrating a five-year anniversary at work with cake, or maybe even a Super Bowl Championship ring – all of these gifts are items which trigger emotion.  We might never get rid of that third grade trophy because it takes us down memory lane back to that glorious moment, right down to the feel of the sweater on our back.

These trophies, these awards, these simple little items are Sensory Media.

According to Jae M. Rang, author of Sensory Media, “Sensory media does two things: it anchors the ‘feel-good’ emotion and it rewards the participants with a gift.”  When you hold sensory media – also known as a promotional product – you hold the brand.

Promotional products are responsive and tangible items.  They can create or recreate an entire brand.  If done correctly, sensory media can encourage, honor, influence, educate, and acknowledge everyone involved.

 Senses (for blog)

Companies have one goal in mind when purchasing promotional products: they want to be memorable.

Rang explains, “The reality is promotional products are a very human form of media. We’re sensory beings―we see, hear, smell, taste, touch―so ‘sensory media’ aligns so well with us. The products, as well as the messaging, represent the brand and are interactive in nature making them very impressionable.”

Sensory media demands interaction.  You can eat it, write with it, wear it, smell it, and play with it.  It is a constant reminder that it is much more than a branding tool and can be used to create an unforgettable foundation.

It’s time to move our perceptions of promotional products from the often-called “swag” or “trinkets” to the real, purposeful media and result-driven marketing it truly creates.


Best Reactions – High Value Items

What difference does the perceived value of a promotional product make on the end user? If the item is perceived to be of high value, does that translate also to their view of the giver? Does it influence their behavior and attitudes, or does it not matter?

Those are just a few of the questions asked, and answered, in a research study conducted by P.P.A.I. (Promotional Products Association International) in December 2011.

When it comes to items with a perceived value of $25 or more, the study revealed the following:

Why do you think the company or organization gave you this item?

  • 23% – To make me aware of the company and it’s products or services
  • 28% – To thank me for doing business with them, and to continue doing so

What did you perceive the reason for being given this item?

  • 31% – As a business gift
  • 38% – As a form of advertising
  • 40% – As an incentive

Were you more receptive to the company and it’s objectives after receiving this item?

  • 27% – Significantly more receptive
  • 44% – Somewhat more receptive

What categories of products are most popular to receive?

  • 58% – Items that can be consumed
  • 50% – Items that can be worn
  • 46% – Items associated with digital communication
  • 46% – Items that help collect or convey things

How long do you keep your favorite products?

  • 60% – Three years or more:  high value products (over $25)
  • 42% – One year or less:  low value products

What makes an item worth holding onto (Very or Extremely Important)?

  • 69% – Usefulness
  • 59% – Quality
  • 52% – Attractiveness

So what can be concluded from this study?  A few key points stand out:

  • Recipients were more receptive if they perceived the item to be high value.
  • Having an item imprinted with a logo did not deter from it, as long as it was a useful item.
  • Apparel and food gifts are most appreciated by recipients.
  • Useful items will be kept the longest.
  • A high-value item is typically perceived to cost between $25-$50.

The entire research study is available at this link:  High End/Low End